Privacy Policy

The Company under the name SAN SOU TRADING OF SHOES, CLOTHING AND LEATHER GOODS SA, hereinafter "Company", based in Athens Attica, 162 Athinon Avenue, Peristeri 121 36, tel. +30 210-5719811, with email address info@ mö, acting as Processing Manager for the mö website, recognizes the importance of the issue of personal data security and has taken all the necessary measures, with the most modern and advanced methods, to ensure the maximum possible security. All information, which is related to the personal data of the users, is ensured as confidential in compliance with the current legislation for the protection of personal data.

This Privacy Policy informs about the way in which the Company collects, stores, uses and generally processes the personal data of the subjects who visit or use the mö website. This Policy also describes the way of using, sharing and protecting the personal data of the users of the website, their rights regarding their personal data, as well as the possible ways of communicating with the Company. For any question regarding this Policy and any issue related to data processing or the exercise of relevant rights, any subject who visits or uses the website may contact the Company at the above contact details.

The website

The company SAN SOU MANUFACTURING TRADE OF SHOES, CLOTHES AND LEATHER GOODS SA has created and manages the website mö as a source of information on the specifications of Müger consumer products, advertising and finding them in the Greek market with the aim of making the above brand known. It offers search services for the above Muger products with referral to online stores of cooperating Companies within the Greek Territory.

Definition of “personal data”

According to the General Data Protection Regulation 2016/679/EU, applicable in the member states of the European Union, the term "personal data" refers to any information concerning an identified or identifiable natural person ("data subject"); the identifiable a natural person is one whose identity can be ascertained, directly or indirectly, in particular by reference to an identifier such as a name, an identity number, location data, an online identifier or one or more factors specific to the physical, physical, genetic, psychological, economic, cultural or social identity of the natural person in question.

Definition of “processing” of personal data

According to the General Data Protection Regulation 2016/679/EU, applicable in the member states of the European Union, "processing" means any act or series of acts carried out with or without the use of automated means, on personal data or data sets of a personal nature, such as collection, registration, organization, structuring, storage, adaptation or alteration, retrieval, information retrieval, use, disclosure by transmission, dissemination or any other form of disposal, association or the combination, limitation, deletion or destruction.

Collected personal data through the mö website

Through the mö website, the absolutely necessary personal data of its visitors, which are suitable and relevant for the intended purpose, are collected in two ways: on the one hand through consensual subscription to the newsletter, on the other hand through cookies.

No special categories of data – such as information about your political views, religion or sexual orientation – are collected unless the visitor chooses to provide such information in any way. (e.g. sending an email containing such information).

It may also be requested, upon the consent of the user, to pay a form that will include the element of the sheet serving archival purposes, scientific research or statistical purposes based on EU legislation or national legislation.

  • Through the consensual registration in the newsletter of the website, the personal information that the individual or legal person provides, as a user of the specific function of the website, is collected.

Specifically, the following are collected:

a) Identity data (e.g. name, surname, title, name of legal entity)

b) Contact data (e.g. telephone number, email address, postal address)

  • Through cookies, which are small text files that are stored in the browser while browsing the Internet.

The basic function of cookies is the disclosure of browser data. Depending on their duration, cookies are either "temporary" (session cookies) or "persistent" (persistent cookies). "Temporary" cookies are automatically deleted when you close your browser. "Sticks" remain stored on the terminal equipment until their predetermined validity period is completed.

The website uses some cookies with the main purpose of making it more functional and user-friendly.

In particular, "temporary cookies" are used to browse secure sub-pages of the website. Furthermore, "persistent cookies" are used to improve the website's performance, to personalize the user interface and to personalize the operation of the website, to provide online content corresponding to the choices and interests of each visitor and to remember specific elements such as the language preference of the visitor. The Company does not use or control any cookie originating from third parties.

The table below lists the cookies that may be placed on the browsers of mö visitors. More information about the characteristics of each cookie is available εδώ.

NecessaryThese cookies are necessary for the website to function and cannot be disabled in the system, as they allow basic functions such as navigation and access to secure areas of the website or setting visitors' privacy preferences.














AnalysisThese cookies help to understand how visitors interact with the website and to anonymously collect statistical information about its use, in the context of research on ways to improve the services provided to the above.





AdvertisingThese cookies enable the collection of information about the browsing habits of website visitors, in order to tailor advertisements to their interests, to avoid displaying advertisements that have already been shown to the given subject, and to improve the performance of advertising campaigns.

Social media pixel cookies


FunctionallyThese cookies are a means of remembering information that visitors provide to the website. They work positively to personalize their online experience and access fundamental features of the service, such as default language, allowing the site to "remember" their preferences for a period of time.

Chatflow cookie



All the data collected from the use of cookies through the cookies alert are processed and stored exclusively in the form of anonymous statistical data, without any direct connection to the person of the website visitor. Also, the Company does not sell or trade data collected in this way.

The following are specifically collected through cookies:

a) Identification data of the user's terminal equipment and internet protocol address.

b) Navigation data within the website.

c) Product/service preference information.

In the event that the visitor wishes to activate or deactivate the use of cookies from his browser settings, depending on the browser, he must visit the following websites to learn about the necessary related actions:

Internet Explorer





Safari for iPad and iPhone

Purpose of collecting personal data

Visitors' personal data is collected for:

a) ensuring their safe navigation on the website,

b) informing them about the Company's products and services by sending newsletters,

c) communication to resolve queries,

d) the presentation of advertisements tailored to their interests

e) conducting satisfaction surveys of website visitors,

f) the management of the website and connected applications,

g) extracting data for research or statistical purposes,

h) the analysis of the content displayed on the Company's websites,

i) access to basic functions of the website,

j) remembering user preferences,

k) the general promotion and support of the Company's communication relationship with the website users.

Legal basis for processing personal data by the Company

The processing is based on the principle of legality, objectivity and transparency. In particular, the processing will be justified on one of the following legal bases:

a) to his consent, where required, as for example in the case where there is no prior registration and he wishes to receive a newsletter. Such consent may be withdrawn at any time.

b) in the legal interest of the Company. In some cases it is necessary for the Company to understand our visitors, promote its services and effectively exploit its websites to inform, promote and communicate its products and services electronically. For example, the Company relies on its legitimate interest when analyzing the content displayed on the websites to understand how they are being used.

c) the Company's legal obligations. In some cases, the aforementioned may have a legal obligation to use or maintain user data because it is stipulated as an obligation by law.

Recipients of collected personal data

Access to user data is given to the absolutely necessary personnel of the Company, who are committed to maintaining confidentiality.

The data of the users of the website may be disclosed to companies cooperating with SAN SOU KATASKEVI EMPORIA DIMATON DYMATON AND LEATHER GOODS SA, inside and outside the European Union, i.e. technical support & software maintenance companies, website management, payment service providers, electronic management software providers newsletters, as well as a blog comment management platform.

The Company's partners are committed to:

– to observe confidentiality,

– not to send your Data to third parties without the permission of the Company,

– take appropriate technical and organizational security measures,

– to comply with the legal framework for the protection of personal data and in particular Regulation 979/2016/EU.

Regarding the sending of personal data outside the EU

The Company does not send mö user data outside the EU, with the exception of email address data for sending the mouyer.grnewsletter, where the services of the electronic newsletter management software provider are used of Hubspot, Inc. / The Rocket Science Group LLC d/b/a MailChimp, which are Privacy Shield certified.

Διαδικασία διαγραφής και χρόνος διατήρησης προσωπικών δεδομένων

The personal data of the users is stored by the Company only for as long as it is necessary to fulfill the purpose for which it has been communicated, unless an extension of this time is required due to legal claims or its legal obligations.

The user's declaration of consent for sending a newsletter is observed for as long as the newsletter is sent to them by the Company.

The user's personal registration data is kept for as long as his subscription to the newsletter is active, unless a new processing purpose has arisen for some of them.

The suspension of sending the newsletter and the removal of the user's data are achieved within 5 working days at the latest from the relevant deletion request document on behalf of the interested party, subject to the fact that they are no longer necessary for the above-mentioned processing purposes. It is also possible to readjust the user's preferences at any time.

Information on the retention time of personal data collected through cookies is available in the relevant appendix above, as well as by clicking εδώ για συμπληρωματικές ειδικότερες πληροφορίες.

Personal data security measures

Recognizing the importance of the security of users' personal data, the Company has taken all appropriate organizational and technical measures to secure and protect their data from any unauthorized access, misuse, alteration, prohibited dissemination, disclosure, loss or accidental / unlawful destruction and any other form of unlawful processing. These measures are reviewed and amended when deemed necessary.

User rights

– Right to access their data.

Users reserve the right to be informed by the Company as to how and which data it processes. They can request information on the purpose of the processing, the type of data it keeps, to whom it is given, how long it stores it, if automated decision-making takes place.

– Right to correct inaccurate data.

In the event of an error in their data, users can submit a request for the correction of their inaccurate data and the completion of incomplete data (e.g. correction of name or notification of change of mailing address of newsletters), so that it is complete and accurate.

– Right of deletion.

As above, users can request the deletion of their data if it is no longer necessary for the purposes of processing.

– Right to portability of their data.

Users reserve the right to request to receive the data they have provided in a readable format, but also to transmit it to another data controller.

– Right to restriction of processing.

Users reserve the right to request restriction of the processing of their data by the Company for as long as the examination of their objections to the processing is pending.

– Right to withdraw/object to the processing of their data.

Users may at any time object to the processing of their data or withdraw their consent, where required, without prejudice to the lawfulness of the processing based on consent prior to its withdrawal.

The scope of the above-mentioned rights may be limited, if there are compelling and legal reasons, which prevail over these rights, based on the provisions of the General Data Protection Regulation 2016/679/EU.

Exercise of rights

Users can exercise their rights by submitting an application, which must contain their identification information, either to the Company's postal address (162 Athens Ave., Peristeri 121 36) or to its electronic address

Response time to rights requests

The Company responds to users' requests free of charge and without delay, in any case within (1) one month of receiving their request. In case the request is complex or there is a large number of requests, the user will be informed within the month as to whether an extension of another (2) two months will be needed within which his request will be answered.

In the event that a request is manifestly unfounded or excessive in particular due to its repeated nature, the Company may impose a reasonable fee, taking into account the administrative costs for providing the information or performing the requested action, or refuse to follow up on the request justifying the response to the user.

In the event that the user does not receive a response within the above-mentioned deadline, or the response received was not satisfactory or the issue has not been resolved, he may contact the Personal Data Protection Authority (

Use of automated decision-making/profiling when processing data

The Company automatically processes the data of mö visitors in the case of using cookies, always after informing and consenting to them. In the future, it may carry out profiling, based on automated data processing again, in order to facilitate the communication services it offers.

Applicable law

Applicable Law is Greek Law, as formulated in accordance with the General Regulation for the Protection of Personal Data 2016/679/EU, and in general the current national and European legislative and regulatory framework for the protection of personal data. Competent courts for any arising disputes related to your data are the Courts of Athens.

Notification of changes to this Policy

The Company updates this Policy whenever deemed necessary. If there are significant changes to the Policy or the way it uses users' data, it will post the update to this on the website before the changes take effect and will notify users in any convenient way. It also encourages users to read, at regular intervals, this Policy to know how their data is protected.

It is noted that with the acceptance of this Privacy Policy, the prior consent to any change related to the rules of injunctive law is taken for granted.


The Privacy Policy was updated on 06/16/2021.

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